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     I founded Sierra Land Design, Inc. in 1986 from the conflict that battled within me - To continue being a student and receive a PHD or to participate in the outdoors.  My love for plants, nature, and gardens won out in the end, and it’s been an amazing journey.  This website was created to share some of what I’ve learned thus far in my career and to provide a point of contact for those who may want our services.

     I chose the name Sierra from the writings of John Muir, an advocate for nature who spent many years in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. John Muir dedicated his life to helping people connect with nature and to experience the wonders of the outdoors. 


“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,” – John Muir


     Muir's words inspired my curiosity and eventually drove me outdoors as well to experience what nature has to teach us. It has been my goal through Sierra to share what I’ve learned from plants and my experiences with nature.

     Gardens portrayed in this site were created to satisfy the objectives of our clients and to draw them out into their yards, to participate in the garden – To feel the wind, to hear the birds, to see the flowers, and to feel the grasses.

    Whether it’s with a simple hedge row planting or a wildflower meadow, let nature surprise and inspire you, and let Sierra Land Design, Inc. help you get there. 

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